Three Important Tips for Protecting Tiles after Professional Cleaning

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If the tiled floors in your building are showing a decline in appearance, choose professional cleaning services for restoration. In general, tiles are durable, appealing and suitable for wet areas, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Unfortunately, they are susceptible to staining and mould damage due to continuous exposure to moisture. A professional tile cleaner will use industrial-grade equipment and formulations to eliminate the stubborn dirt on tiles and restore the original appeal. Unfortunately, the cost of regular floor maintenance can be high. Here are some guidelines on protecting your tiled surfaces after professional cleaning for lower long-term costs.

Protect the Entrances

Tiles experience deterioration due to the introduction of dirt, grime and debris to the surfaces. The accumulation of dirt can cause accelerated damage to the tiles and even permanent staining. Therefore, consider the options for reducing dust and dirt in your building. The best approach is limiting dirt from shoes when people walk in. Place mats at the doorways and encourage people to dust their shoes. If possible, you can establish a shoe removal policy or provide indoor slippers. This practice will keep the tiles in good condition for longer and minimise the need for constant professional cleaning. Also, place carpets or rugs around high-traffic zones.

Wipe the Surfaces

You should plan for regular wiping of the tiled floors after professional cleaning. Wiping the surfaces will maintain the appeal and reduce the period before another deep cleaning session is necessary. The best cleaning technique will depend on the type of tile in your building. For instance, nonporous materials, like porcelain or sealed ceramic tiles, are not prone to staining. Therefore, you can use water and detergent for cleaning without the risk of staining. However, make sure the grout is also sealed to minimise moisture penetration. Stone tiles are porous and require regular resealing. If you have a natural stone surface, use minimal moisture when wiping. Moreover, avoid soaps and other cleaning agents because they will damage the material after absorption.

Prevent Staining

Finally, you must protect the tiled floors in your building from staining. Stained tiled require special cleaning techniques and equipment available to professionals. Fortunately, you can protect your floors through timely management of spills. Plan for a quick cleaning in case of food, beverage, ink and blood spills. The goal is to prevent the setting in of natural and artificial dyes. If you are concerned about staining in wet areas, such as the bathroom, consider rinsing and wiping your tiled surfaces after each use.

For more information on professional tile cleaning, contact a professional near you.
